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DTS Integration Glossary

We use the following terms in the DTS Integration Guide.

  • DTS: The Data Transfer System
  • Frictionless DataPackage: A collection of metadata in the form of an array of Frictionless DataResources. The DTS generates transfer manifests in this format.
  • Frictionless DataResource: A representation of metadata for an individual resource (file)
  • Resource: A file, with a unique identifier, that can be transferred from one database to another, along with its metadata.
  • Resource endpoint: an endpoint provided by your database that accepts an HTTP GET request with a list of file IDs, and provides a response containing essential informatŃ–on (the file's location, its type and other important metadata) for each of the corresponding files. Described in detail in Provide Unique IDs and Metadata for Your Files.
  • Search endpoint: an endpoint provided by your database that accepts an HTTP GET request with a query string, and produces a response containing a list of matching file IDs. See Make Your Files Searchable for more detailed information.
  • Staging area: A filesystem or portion of a filesystem on a system controlled or provisioned by your organization where you can place files for transfer by a bulk transfer provider such as Globus, Amazon S3, or iRods.
  • Staging endpoint: An endpoint provided by your database that accepts an HTTP POST request with a list of resource IDs and returns a UUID that can be used to query the status of a file staging operation. More information is available in Stage Your Files on Request.
  • Staging task: A process by which files with specific IDs can be copied into your organization's staging area in preparation for transfer. This process can occur over a brief or extended period, depending on the number of requested files and the prevailing circumstances, so a staging task is assigned a UUID that can be used to query its status.
  • Staging status endpoint: An endpoint provided by your database that accepts an HTTP GET request with a staging request UUID (obtained from a staging endpoint), producing a response that indicates whether the staging process has completed. See Provide a Way to Monitor File Staging for more information.
  • Transfer Manifest: a file (usually named manifest.json) containing a machine-readable Frictionless DataPackage containing metadata for a set of files transferred by the DTS. The DTS deposits a transfer manifest at the top level of the directory structure transferred to the destination database. a source database to a destination database by the DTS
  • User federation endpoint: An endpoint provided by your database that accepts an HTTP GET request with an ORCID and produces a response containing the corresponding username for an account within your system. Read more about this endpoint in Map ORCIDs to Local User Accounts.
  • UUID: A universally unique identifier used by the DTS to represent staging tasks, transfers, and other transient- but-possibly-long-running operations