Current Issues

search broken

If you see messages like ERROR '/search-data.json' not found. in the terminal in which you started jekyll serve, the search index needs to be built. Unfortunately, our theme’s support for search is broken in several respects, and generating the search index will not help. Since search is not exposed, it is currently a harmless error.

readme needs completion


livereload and node_modules

The --livereload option to bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload causes jekyll to watch the filesystem for changes, and when such occurs to rebuild the files and trigger a reload in the browser.

Since this is a branch of the repo, if you have worked with kbase-ui develop branch, you’ll probably have generated ignored artifacts. When switching docker branches, these artifacts will remain in the filesystem, and the livereload feature will dig into node_modules and other artifact directories. For most directories, this is harmless, but for node_modules, an error will be triggered (and performance may suffer due to the large number of files to watch.)

The livereload option has a sister option livereload_ignore which is actually present in the _config.yml file, and specifies to ignore node_modules. Unfortunately, this option affects only what jekyll does when changed files are reported – the file watcher still watches all files in the entire repo.

The only solution at this time is to remove the node_modules directory when working on the gh-pages branch, and restore it via yarn install when switching back to work on the develop branch.

This also affects the top level build directory, which may remain after a local build.